
University is looking for academic partners researching adult stem cell differentiation


In this project the University wants to explore new technologies, to study proliferation activity of pancreatic insulin producing beta cells online. Libraries for nuclear receptor ligands and epigenetic patterns will be used to identify candidate genes and drugs. Clinical trials have revealed that islets isolated from cadaveric pancreas will not cure diabetes due to inadequate quality and quantity. Therefore, they will take advantage of recent developments in transplantation and stem cell biology opening the possibility to generate autologous cells for transferring them like a ‘self-donation’ of living cells in an individualized manner. Compared to embryonic stem cells neither ethical concerns nor safety issues due to emergence of cancer-like tissue are raised.

Thus, this project will explore genetic patterns of tissue-specific progenitors to find novel and more effective ways of coaxing them into the pro-endocrine lineage in a cell culture system without manipulation of genes themselves. It is now looking for international SME and academic partners that are investigating adult stem cell differentiation and/or have expertise in the separation technologies of heterogenous cell populations, in the indentification of biomarkers on the cell surface and/or in regenerative technologies establishing new stable cell lines, especially beta-cell lines. The research group considers to apply for EU funding in future of relevant calls.

Referencia: 12 DE 1271 3QSW


Fecha límite: 30/08/2014


Más información: comunicacion@ruvid.org

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