
Cell Line, Analytic and Process Development as well as good manufacturing practice of a monoclonal antibody


An Italian biotech academic spin-off specialized in discovering and developing of monoclonal antibodies, Antibody-Drug Conjugates (ADCs) and small molecules/Protacs for treatment of cancer and other severe diseases with unmet medical need is looking for a technological partner which could provide a platform successfully applied to produce protein and recombinant antibody.

The Partner sought should be highly specialized in the field of protein design and protein expression and able to produce and test multiple modifications of a given antibody or protein in high quantity up to grams, short time (6 – 12 months) and competitive price. Proteins should be designed by making calculated variations on a known protein structure and its sequence. Specifically, the partner should be high specialized in protein expression by means of transient gene expression for the rapid production of recombinant proteins.


Referencia: TRIT20140213001


Más información: comunicacion@ruvid.org

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