
Looking for functional food ingredient which can improve the fat metabolism


A Korean SME which specializes in research and development of high quality additives for cosmetic products and hygiene products is looking for a new ingredient for functional food which can improve the fat metabolism. The company is interested in licensing agreement for technology transfer or manufacturing agreement with transferring the know-how.


Más información: comunicacion@ruvid.org


Referencia: TRKR20141126002

Red de Universidades Valencianas para el fomento de la I+D+i (RUVID) - C/ Serpis 29 - Edificio INTRAS - 2ª planta - 46022 - Valencia - España
Teléfono: +34 9616 254 61 - Correo Electrónico: comunicacion @ ruvid.org - Web: www.ruvid.org - Código ISSN: 1988-8155 - Política Protección de Datos