
Oxidation technologies & materials for detoxification of water from pollutants


A Greek organisation coordinates and networks the ongoing efforts and capabilities across Europe for the risk mangement of cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins in water bodies, by establishing strong collaboration between academia, authorities, industry and citizens.They are seeking new water treatment technologies based on Advanced Oxidation Processes as well as materials for detoxification of water from cyanotoxins and other pollutants through a technical agreement.


Más información: comunicacion@ruvid.org


Referencia: TRGR20141120001

Red de Universidades Valencianas para el fomento de la I+D+i (RUVID) - C/ Serpis 29 - Edificio INTRAS - 2ª planta - 46022 - Valencia - España
Teléfono: +34 9616 254 61 - Correo Electrónico: comunicacion @ ruvid.org - Web: www.ruvid.org - Código ISSN: 1988-8155 - Política Protección de Datos