
Computer-aided Design (CAD) method for boat designs


A Polish company specialized in the design and production of cruise and sport boats is looking for R&D organization/technical university to provide technology for computer-aided design (CAD) method for boat designs. Requested technology should be fully developed.


Referencia: TRPL20140924001


Más información: comunicacion@ruvid.org

Red de Universidades Valencianas para el fomento de la I+D+i (RUVID) - C/ Serpis 29 - Edificio INTRAS - 2ª planta - 46022 - Valencia - España
Teléfono: +34 9616 254 61 - Correo Electrónico: comunicacion @ ruvid.org - Web: www.ruvid.org - Código ISSN: 1988-8155 - Política Protección de Datos