
Conference: Innovation and research agendas. Between policy priorities, societal challenges and academic autonomy


INGENIO is pleased to announce the fourth edition of its PhD Days Conference, to be held in Valencia (Spain) in 22-24th April 2020. The three-day event is organised by doctoral students for doctoral students. PhD Days provides early career researchers with a welcoming setting in which to develop and refine research presentation and communication skills, receive constructive comments on their work from other students and established researchers, as well as building vital career networks.


Más información.

Red de Universidades Valencianas para el fomento de la I+D+i (RUVID) - C/ Serpis 29 - Edificio INTRAS - 2ª planta - 46022 - Valencia - España
Teléfono: +34 9616 254 61 - Correo Electrónico: comunicacion @ ruvid.org - Web: www.ruvid.org - Código ISSN: 1988-8155 - Política Protección de Datos