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International PhD Program 2016: La Caixa-Severo Ochoa – Instituto de Neurociencias CSIC-UMH


In the context of this IN International PhD Programme la “Caixa”-Severo Ochoa, we are seeking exceptional and highly motivated PhD students interested in receiving ample cross-disciplinary training in state-of-the-art basic and focused neuroscience research.


Requirements: Students with a degree in biomedical sciences or related fields within the European Higher Education Area with a minimum of 240 + 60 ECTS are eligible.  The university degree should qualify for the start of a PhD thesis in the student’s home country. Full requirents under 2More info”.


Call deadline: Until 4 March 2016.


More info.


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Red de Universidades Valencianas para el fomento de la I+D+i (RUVID) - C/ Serpis 29 - Edificio INTRAS - 2ª planta - 46022 - Valencia - España
Teléfono: +34 9616 254 61 - Correo Electrónico: comunicacion @ ruvid.org - Web: www.ruvid.org - Código ISSN: 1988-8155 - Política Protección de Datos